AutPlay® Therapy Play and Social Groups
8 Non-Contact Hours approved by Dr. Robert Jason Grant APT Approved Provider #12-318 & NBCC Clock Hours: 8, NBCC ACEP #6595
AutPlay Therapy Play and Social Groups: A Neurodiversity Affirming Approach. 2nd Edition. by Robert
Jason Grant and Tracy Turner-Bumberry (MAKE SURE YOU PURCHASE THE 2nd EDITION)
This training teaches participants the AutPlay® Therapy Play and Social Groups models. It provides therapists with a step-by-step guide for implementing a play group and/or a social group to help neurodivergent children and adolescents address a variety of mental health needs in a group format including any connection/relational, emotional, and/or social navigation issues in a fun and engaging process.
There are two group models highlighted. The unique 10-session group models incorporate the AutPlay® Therapy approach focusing on integrative play therapy theories and family play therapy. Group setup, protocol, and structured play therapy interventions are presented and explained for easy implementation by professionals. Also included is the process of including parents in the group process as co change agents. Parent implemented interventions that allow parents and/or caregivers to become participants/partners in the group process is covered.
The course also provides a thorough understanding of neurodivergent play and social navigation. Information is provided to understand true social needs of neurodivergent children vs ableist beliefs. An overview and guide for how to implement AutPlay® Groups in a neurodiversity affirming manner is covered along with understanding working out of a strengths-based approach. Participants will read the book AutPlay® Therapy Play and Social Groups: A Neurodiversity Affirming Approach by Robert Grant Jason Grant and Tracy Turner-Bumberry, complete the PDF training guide, read additional articles, and watch training videos.
1) Describe how to implement AutPlay Therapy Play Groups.
2) Describe how to implement AutPlay Therapy Social Groups.
3) Define a neurodiversity affirming approach when implementing play therapy interventions in AutPlay
Therapy Groups.
4) Define using a strengths-based approach when implementing AutPlay Therapy Groups.
5) List several play therapy interventions that can be used to address a variety of needs when
implementing AutPlay Therapy Groups.
6) Describe the therapeutic benefits of play and using play as the change agent in AutPlay Groups.
7) Explain how to involve parents as co-change agents in AutPlay Therapy Groups.
8) Understand the benefits of using group work in play therapy.
About this Training:
This training is an 8-hour self-paced home study book training focused on learning the AutPlay® Therapy Play and Social Groups models. The required book reading is expected to complete this training.
A PDF PowerPoint is provided for additional support in completing this training.
It is expected that you will complete the whole training and not skip over any parts of this training.
There is a post exam at the end of the training. You will need access to the internet to complete this training and you will be asked to read the required book reading, watch video clips, read additional materials, and complete experiential activities.
*Use this course for 8 APT non-contact hour Credit Hours under Special Topics or Applicant's Choice.
Continuing Education:
This training is approved for 8 CE Hrs for the below continuing education bodies. Upon completion of the training materials, training evaluation, and post exam (with a score of 80% or higher), the training certificate of completion will be issued to the participant.
- Robert Jason Grant Ed.D APT Approved Provider #12-318 for continuing education. If you are counting this training toward the 150 hours to become an RPT or RPT-S, the 8 CE Hrs can be calculated as any combination of 8 toward special topics, 8 toward applicants’ choice.
- AutPlay Therapy Clinic has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6595. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. AutPlay Therapy Clinic is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
AutPlay Play and Social Skills Group Powerpoint (2024)
AutPlay Neurodivergent Social Navigation Checklist.
AutPlay Social Navigation Inventory
AutPlay Special Interests Inventory
AutPlay Assessment of Play
AutPlay Groups Neurodiversity Affirming Guide
Introduction to AutPlay Therapy Play and Social Groups
Neurodivergent Masking
Helping Neurotypical (neuronormative) Individuals and Environments Change
Play in AutPlay Groups
AutPlay Play and Social Groups
Case Examples
Course Evaluation (Required)
Quiz (Required)
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