Denver: The Business of Therapy with Lisa Dion
November 9-11, 2023 - Also available live online
Because your business dreams are taking you to new places each and every year
And you are worth it!
Master the skills and mindset to elevate your business dreams
What makes venturing into business as a helping professional so hard? It's because no one taught us the psychology of entrepreneurship.
They didn’t tell us how to manage financial risks, read a profit and loss statement, or how to value our services. In fact, many of us have fallen into the false premise that as helping professionals, we are not allowed to be financially successful.
The reality is that when you are feeling inspired in your work, you become even more valuable to your community. You are able to help MORE people. You provide BETTER services.
Overcome your fear that your business dreams will crash and burn and instead watch them soar to new heights.
In this 3 day action-packed course, Lisa Dion will teach you how to launch, grow or re-imagine your business dreams and manage the emotions that come up along the way. Learn the tools to understand the challenges you face along your journey and how they are a natural part of the process to help you grow!
November 9-11, 2023