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A journal writing workshop based on the work of Kathleen Adams

Thousands of people who have benefited from this workshop series agree: Journal writing is a joy! You can learn how to:

  • Safely release tension, frustration, anger and other strong emotions.

  • Access your subconscious and unconscious minds and tap into the vast knowledge stored there

  • Keep a record for the future of how your life unfolds.

  • Track cycles, patterns and trends in your life

  • Unlock the mysteries of your dreams.

  • Experiment with creative writing.

  • Outwit dreaded writer’s block and increase overall writing skills.

  • Find support for your journaling from your peers.

  • Write your own autobiography.

  • Write spontaneously and with joy.

The Journal to the Self ® Workshop

Discover the writer within you. Journal writing workshops for personal growth, creative expression and life enhancement.

Learning different ways to write in your journal adds color, perspective and dimension to your reflective writing. With the help of these journal tools, you can gently but powerfully explore the various aspects of yourself, your life and your relationships with others. In the Journal to the Self workshop designed and developed by Kathleen Adams and based on her book of the same name, you will experience 18 different journal techniques: Alphapoems, Artmaking, Captured Moments, Character Sketch, Clustering, Dialogue, Dream Log, 5-Minute Sprint, Guided Imagery, Inner Wisdom, Inventory, Lists of 100, Perspectives, Springboards, Stream of Consciousness, Time Capsule, Topics du Jour, and Unsent Letters. Journal to the Self workshops are taught by Certified Instructors and can be customized for specialized applications and audiences. For more information or to request a speaking engagement for your group or organization, please call the instructor.

Journal to the Self Program Created by Kathleen Adams

Taught by Certified Instructor, Jen Taylor

  • Kathleen Adams on the Journal as a Friend

    “In moments of ecstasy, in moments of despair, the journal remains an impassive, silent friend, forever ready to console, to confront, to contain, to cheer on. Its potential as a tool for holistic mental health is unsurpassed.”

  • Kathleen Adams on The Journal as a Journey

    The Journal Journey is not always dreary, heavy or tumultuous. Sometimes, to be sure, the path is a steep uphill climb; sometimes it seems you’re hiking the Grand Canyon. But remember that your journal will log your joy just as faithfully as your pain, your laughter with as much expression as your tears, your triumphs in as much detail as your tragedies. Notice the parts of the journal journey that are playful, joyful and exuberant, and write about them, too. Remember that rainbows are real, even if the pot of gold isn’t.”


Instructor Jen Taylor, LCSW-C, RPT-S

Jennifer Taylor is an LCSW-C and RPT-S with nearly 20 years experience in the field of social work. She is an EMDR Approved Consultant. She is a certified Journal to the Self Instructor.   She is an adjunct instructor at the University of Memphis currently living near Baltimore, MD.   Jennifer graduated from the University of West Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work in 1999. She graduated from the Florida State University with a Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work in 2005. Jennifer is licensed as a Clinical Social Worker in Maryland and Florida.