Course Description:

What makes the perpetrators of child sexual abuse think the way they do? For many, the answers to these questions are unimaginable. For helping professionals who provide play therapy and counseling to children, those answers could provide important clues that enable unique clinical insight, greater opportunity for meaningful therapeutic responses, richer case conceptualizations, and thoughtful clinical interventions. Understanding the origins and maintenance of perpetrator behavior offers essential knowledge to help professionals keep children safe.

Drs. Hill and Mullen discuss, in depth, what makes the perpetrators of child sexual abuse think the way they do and how that impacts the children they harm.The presenters demystify perpetrator behaviors that could provide important clues for play therapists and child counselors that enable unique clinical insight, greater opportunity for meaningful therapeutic responses, richer case conceptualizations, and thoughtful clinical interventions.Understanding the origins and maintenance of perpetrator behavior offers essential knowledge to help professionals keep children safe and provide a foundation and framework for consultation and psychoeducation. 


Dr. Mullen & Dr. Hill are taking requests for presenting this topic in the future. It is available live online and/or in person and would include videos from interviews of child sexual offenders and play therapy sessions in the presentation. Please contact us at [email protected] to inquire & request.


By the end of this recorded webinar:

1. Participants will be able to identify the components of a six step model to understanding perpetrators.

2. Participants will describe at least two ways personal perspectives influence how we see perpetrator behavior.

3. Participants will identify three common myths about child perpetrators of sexual abuse.

4. Understand the difference between situational and preferential sexual offending against children.

5. Recognize the primary intrinsic needs that influence perpetrator behavior.

6. Identify common control techniques used by perpetrators to prevent disclosure and avoid detection.

7. Recognize how primary drivers emerge relationally, behaviorally, and symbolically in the play therapy of sexually exploited children.

8. Plan ways to provide psychoeducation to parents and children.

Continuing Education Credits

Integrative Counseling Services, PLLC is approved by The Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to play therapy. Our provider number is 06-168. This course provides 5 non-contact APT credits. 

Integrative Mental Health Counseling Services, PLLC is recognized  by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental  Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for  licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0085. This course provides 5 CE credits. 

Integrative  Mental Health Counseling Services, PLLC is recognized by the New York  State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved  provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0308. This course provides 5 CE credits. 

Instructor Jodi Mullen, PhD, LMHC, NCC, RPT-S, CCPT-Master

Dr. Jodi Mullen is a professor at SUNY Oswego in the Counseling & Psychological Services Department. She primarily teaches in the Mental Health Counseling Program. She is the director of Integrative Counseling Services, with several offices in Central New York. Dr. Mullen is an international speaker, author, credentialed play therapist and play therapy supervisor. Dr. Mullen has over 30 years in the field of counseling. She has authored books on play therapy, counseling children and adolescents, supervision, grief counseling and parenting. Dr. Mullen was the 2008 recipient of the Key Award for Professional Training & Education through the Association for Play Therapy. She is the proud Momma of Leah & Andrew.

Course curriculum

    1. Making Sense of Play PowerPoint

    2. Making sense of play: How understanding perpetrators of child sexual abuse can inform Play Therapy with sexually traumatized children. (PART 1)

    3. Making sense of play: How understanding perpetrators of child sexual abuse can inform Play Therapy with sexually traumatized children. (PART 2)

    1. Glossary of Play Therapy Terms

    2. Dr. Mullen's Recommended Play Therapy Reading

    1. Evaluation (Required)

    2. Quiz (Required)

    3. Stay in Touch! Join the mailing list for course sales and updates


About this course

  • $150.00
  • 10 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content