This is a live workshop scheduled quarterly or when groups of 4 or more express interest. Email Jen Taylor at [email protected] to coordinate a workshop date/time.
Anger is red.
Sadness is blue.
Feelings have colors, that true??

Play therapists routinely use colors to represent feelings - in games, expressive arts activities and through stories. But, there's more to colors than just labeling feelings.
Parents notice that their children are drawn to certain colors and even throw huge tantrums about the COLOR of their cups. (Been there... it matters!)
But, as adults, many of us are living in an exceedingly beige world. We might "LOVE" color but frequently wear neutrals instead of bold colors in our wardrobes. We might have "always wanted" a purple couch, but when it comes time to choose one...we opt for the safer brown.

Why is that? And why does it matter? (Also, there is nothing inherently wrong with neutrals, or brown). All colors each evoke a response, when used intentionally.

This live, experiential expressive writing workshop explores your personal relationship to color and the impact of color on your mental health, mood and creativity.
It is inspired by a few of our favorite books that all talk about the concepts of JOY, PLAY, CREATIVITY, and CONNECTION in similar ways.
Which books?
Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker
The Artists Way by Julia Cameron
Joyful by Ingrid Fetell Lee

This course brings our love of books and our love of journaling into one BIG, playfully joyful, magical gathering of artist-type people.
What can you expect from this workshop?
Two hours of singing, expressive writing prompts, and discussions about the impact of colors in our lives. We will learn how to approach color in a way that can improve your daily mood, spark joy and creativity and provide insights that lead to personal growth.
(Wait, did she say singing?) Yes...but it will be okay, I promise.
Things Required of YOU:
- A willingness to join in our silliness that includes: playing, singing, writing and reflection
- A commitment to contribute to the pre-workshop assignment by completing a short survey about you and colors that will be incorporated into the event
- You will need to bring ONE colorful object to the workshop (either something you can hold, wear, or an image of something that you wish you had)
- Permission (from yourself) to fully engage for two hours without any distractions (no phones, no social media, no multi-tasking)
What is included in this workshop?
A guided journey through the magic of color as it relates to joy, creativity and journaling.
Welcome to the course!
The course begins the MOMENT that you see this workshop announcement and think about signing up. Take a brief look around: what color are you wearing, what is the first color that you see in the room that you are in. Think about how that color makes you feel? Where do you notice that in your body?
Your mindful attention to color continues from this point until the workshop begins.
Start by paying attention to the colors around you so that you can complete the pre-workshop assignments.
Gather your colorful items for the day of the workshop and spend a few minutes each day thinking about them.
Pre-workshop preparation:
Who are the Instructors?
Jen Taylor, LCSW-C, RPT-S. We are going to skip the rest of the traditional bio and credentials. I am an organizational wizard, an innovator, and a relentless, curiosity-driven adventurer. I like to take pictures, tell stories, and do new things in new places with my favorite people.
And I like WHITE because it feels fresh and clean and new. It is the blank slate from which all great ideas and new adventures are born.
Jen's favorite quote from The Artists Way by Julia Cameron is:
"In order to thrive as artists - and, one could argue, as people - we need to be available to the universal flow. When we put a stopper on our capacity for joy by anorectically declining the small gifts of life, we turn aside the larger gifts as well."
My intention for this course is to show you how COLOR becomes one of life's small gifts. One that you can give yourself freely and easily to increase your capacity for creative thought and for joy.

Bree Conklin, DSW, LCSW. Bree is your inner child personified. She is a unicorn-loving, llama-pajama wearing, insanely talented cake-baker and dancer, and a genuinely kind human being. She likes to spend time with horses and with her animal-named rescue dogs.
She loves PURPLE because she says it feels magical, deep and enchanted. Purple makes me feel connected to wisdom and intuition.
Bree's most favorite quote from Ingrid Fettell Lee in her book Joyful is,
"Joy is what makes life worth living...And yet for some reason, we have decided that it is superfluous--the icing on the cake, rather than an integral part of the cake itself."
Bree wants to invite you to join us on this adventure of identifying those integral ingredients to cultivating joy in your every day life and, perhaps, creating the most joy-filled cake yet!
Who are you - tell us in colorful language?

After you register for the workshop, you will complete this pre-workshop survey.
The questions are:
1). who are you? not your credentials or the typical intro-stuff, but who are you in the most colorful sense?
2). what is your favorite color and why?
3). Describe something of one particular color in your environment that sparks joy when you see it? What is it about this object that lights your soul on fire? This could also be something that you have always wanted, but don't currently have.
4). If you have read any of the four books, is there a favorite quote? (*There is no pre-reading required, but if you have read any of them, we would to know which parts resonated the most).
- Registered for the course and Ready to take the Survey now?
April 1st, 2021 from 7:00pm-8:30pm Eastern Time.
Video link will be emailed to you and posted here.
*While this workshop may potentially be and feel therapuetic, it is NOT therapy. If it stirs up something in you that requires deeper work, Bree and/or Jen are happy to provide a referral to a qualified therapist in your area.
**While this workshop may be educational, it is not continuing education. There are no CE's, credits or certificates awarded.
**This workshop will not be recorded. Your presence is required and no refunds will be available after March 25, 2021.
Need some help? Email me at [email protected]