This training is a 1.5 hour recorded webinar focusing on ableism and neurodiversity in play therapy.
A PowerPoint is provided to follow along with the recorded webinar.
It is expected that you will complete (watch) the whole webinar and not skip over any parts of this training. There is a post exam at the end of the webinar.
The Autplay Therapy Clinic – Robert Jason Gran Ed.D is solely responsible for the creation, content, and continuing education hours of each home study training. The AutPlay Therapy Clinic – Robert Jason Grant Ed.D utilizes Jen Taylor Play Therapy as a hosting site for home study and online trainings. Any technical issue such as not being able to login to a training should be directed to Jen Taylor Play Therapy [email protected]. All governance issues related to any training should be directed to The AutPlay Therapy Clinic – Robert Jason Grant Ed.D. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].
This recorded webinar explores the concepts of ableism and neurodiversity within a child and play therapy framework. The concepts are described with attention given to how ableism may manifest in play therapy work, how to support neurodiversity, and an observation of how play therapy has addressed issues of ableism and neurodiversity.
Learning Objectives:
1) Define ableism and how it may manifest in play therapy work.
2) Describe neurodiversity and how is manifests in play therapy work.
3) List at least three areas to evaluate for ableism issues in play therapy.
Continuing Education:
This training is approved for 1.5 CE Hrs for the below continuing education bodies. Upon completion of the training materials, training evaluation, and post exam (with a score of 80% or higher), the training certificate of completion will be issued to the participant.
- Robert Jason Grant Ed.D APT Approved Provider #12-318 for continuing education. If you are counting this training toward the 150 hours to become an RPT or RPT-S, the 1.5 hours can be calculated as any combination of 1.5 toward special topics, 1.5 toward applicants’ choice.
- AutPlay Therapy Clinic has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6595. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. AutPlay Therapy Clinic is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.