AutPlay Therapy Training For Non-Mental Health Professionals
No Credit Available for this course
* If you are a mental health professional and are looking for more information on The AutPlay Certification Program for APT and NBCC CE Hrs, please see AutPlay Home Study Training for Mental Health Professionals here: **
Required reading - Participants must purchase the book – Grant, R. J. (2023). The AutPlay therapy handbook: Integrative family play therapy with neurodivergent children, Routledge Publishing.
Book is sold separately and are not provided through this course. The book can be purchased on Amazon and other online retailers.
About This Training:
Complete the home study AutPlay® Therapy Intensive Training (24 CE Hrs form IBCCES). This is a non-contact/home study training that focuses on learning the AutPlay Therapy framework. There are four components necessary to complete the AutPlay Certification Program and become a Certified AutPlay Therapy Provider:
1) Complete the PDF training guide course. (12 Hrs)
2) Read the book Grant, R. J. (2023). The AutPlay therapy handbook: Integrative family play therapy with neurodivergent children, Routledge Publishing. The book can be purchased on Amazon and other online retailers. (8 hrs)
3) Watch the recorded webinar Introduction to AutPlay Therapy. The recorded webinar link can be found in the training guide. (4 hrs)
4) Complete 3 hours of supervision/consultation with an AutPlay supervisor. This is the final step after steps 1-3 have been completed. You can register for supervision at
You will need internet access to complete this training.
You will be asked to read through the PowerPoint (this is your training guide), you will also be asked to read articles/readings, watch video clips, and complete experiential activities.
It’s expected that you will complete all the exercises and not skip over any parts of this training. Many of the exercises are referenced on the post exam at the end of the training.
The Autplay Therapy Clinic – Robert Jason Gran Ed.D is solely responsible for the creation, content, and continuing education hours of each home study training. The AutPlay Therapy Clinic – Robert Jason Grant Ed.D utilizes Jen Taylor Play Therapy as a hosting site for home study and online trainings. Any technical issue such as not being able to login to a training should be directed to Jen Taylor Play Therapy [email protected]. All governance issues related to any training should be directed to The AutPlay Therapy Clinic – Robert Jason Grant Ed.D. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].
This is an intensive training that focuses on teaching the AutPlay Therapy framework – a diversity understanding for implementing play therapy with neurodivergent children (autistic, ADHD, sensory differences, learning differences, developmental disabilities, etc.) and their families. The AutPlay Therapy framework highlights neurodiversity affirming and informed constructs within the therapeutic powers of play and seminal play therapy theories and approaches. Emphasis is placed on understanding and addressing mental health needs for neurodivergent children and adolescents. This training provides awareness for the play therapist in working with neurodivergent children and adolescents and how to be in healthy, safe, and affirming therapeutic relationship. Participants learn how to conceptualize the neurodivergent child’s spectrum of presentation and how to assess for needs (therapy goals). AutPlay inventories and worksheets will be highlighted along with how to affirmingly include parents and children as partners in the play therapy process. Concepts will be covered and explored through experiential play interventions designed to address therapy goals.
The three general therapy phases in play therapy implementation will be covered which include intake and assessment, structured play interventions (theory and approach selection), and termination. Affirming understanding of neurodivergent play and regulation and dysregulation concepts will be covered. The AutPlay Therapy Follow Me Approach (FMA) is explained, which details how to work with children with little to no engagement and attunement ability creating integrative play therapy to improve connection and relationship development. Several play therapy interventions are explained and demonstrated through session video clips. Experiential activities are presented, and case conceptualization and planning are discussed.
Learning Objectives:
1) Explain neurodiversity and implementing a neurodiversity affirming approach.
2) Describe the components of AutPlay Therapy including conducting an AutPlay Therapy session, theoretical underpinnings, phases of therapy, assessment and screening instruments, and goal planning.
3) Describe common mental health goals addressed in AutPlay Therapy.
4) Identify several structured play therapy interventions to use for addressing goals.
5) Discuss how to involve parents and other family members as co-change agents (partners).
6) Describe the AutPlay model of dysregulation
7) Identify play therapy interventions to address dysregulation issues.
8) Implement the AutPlay Follow Me Approach, designed for children with higher needs.
9) Describe how to work with parents in implementing AutPlay Follow Me play times at home.
10) Explain research and evidence-based practices in AutPlay Therapy.
11) Outline the theoretical underpinnings of AutPlay, including seminal play therapy theories and other integrated methods.
12) Identify at least 6 AutPlay interventions to increase experiential knowledge.
The Autplay Therapy Clinic – Robert Jason Gran Ed.D is solely responsible for the creation,
content, and continuing education hours of each home study training. The AutPlay Therapy
Clinic – Robert Jason Grant Ed.D utilizes Jen Taylor Play Therapy as a hosting site for home study
and online trainings. Any technical issue such as not being able to login to a training should be
directed to Jen Taylor Play Therapy [email protected]. All governance issues
related to any training should be directed to The AutPlay Therapy Clinic – Robert Jason Grant
Ed.D. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].
AutPlay Therapy Training Home Study Training Educator and Non Mental Health Professional
Intro to AutPlay Therapy Training
Neurodivergent Spectrum of Presentation
AutPlay Therapy Neurodiversity Affirming Constructs
Play and the Neurodivergent Child Video
AutPlay Overview Video
Thoughts About Behavior
AutPlay Follow Me Approach Video
Follow Me Approach Session Clips Eliana
Follow Me Approach Session Clip Hudson
Follow Me Approach Session Clip Ethan
AutPlay Practitioners Guide for Implementing the Follow Me Approach
Intake and Assessment Phase Summary Worksheet
Course Evaluation (Required)
AutPlay Provider Logo
Post Training Form
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FREE PREVIEWYou will also need this FREE course
Introduction to AutPlay Therapy (4 Hours)