Introduction to AutPlay Therapy (4 Hours)
Course4.9 average rating (46 reviews)SOCIAL DIVERSITY: This 4-hour recorded webinar from AutPlay creator, Dr. Robert Jason Grant provides basic information and an introduction to the AutPlay Therapy framework. Use this course for four hours of cultural and social diversity training.
BUNDLE AND SAVE: Play Therapy Supervision
BundleBUNDLE SAVE: Get all 3 of Dr. Robert Jason Grant's play therapy supervision courses and 12 hours of supervision credits! This bundle creates a solid foundation for your work as a play therapy supervisor or consultant.
The Power of Parents in the Play Therapy Room (1 hour)
Course4.9 average rating (14 reviews)In this 1-hour recorded course from Clair Mellenthin, overcome your fears about inviting parents to participate in play therapy by learning skills to build a strong alliance with the parents and testing family-based play therapy interventions.
Play Therapy Across the Lifespan: Treating Children, Teens, and Adults (4 Hours)
CourseIn this 4-hour recorded course from Clair Mellenthin, participants will engage in a fun, experiential play therapy training to explore how you can apply play therapy techniques with any client, regardless of age or presenting symptom.
Introduction to Attachment Centered Play Therapy (6 Hours)
CourseIn this 6 hour recorded course with Clair Mellenthin learn the basics of parent-child play therapy utilizing Attachment Centered Play Therapy. Includes many attachment centered play therapy interventions.
Social Navigation Needs through Child and Play Therapy (3 Hours)
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)This 3 hour recorded course from Dr. Robert Jason Grant focuses on helping neurotypical and neurodivergent children address social navigation needs through a neurodiversity affirming process and using a strengths-based approach will be covered.